Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Manifesto

After a great work day designing a participative democratic political system for Canada, afterwards in the bar some of us worked out The Manifesto below. It is a statement of what we are about.

The People are Making the Future (otherwise known as the Manifesto)

The people are working together all around the world – to build a better world. We are working on our shared goals, those that are good for all people. We know that people are people all over the world, that we have common concerns. We are open to others and to new learning. We are trustful of each other. We know we belong to the planet and we appreciate her and all her people. We are looking after our planet and its people.

We congregate around global issues, the Earth, and peace on Earth. We also congregate around our separate issues. We decide together how to build our nations and cultures so that they contribute to a healthier planet and peace for all people. We congregate at our local levels and decide how to make them more desirable for all. In our organizations, we manage our work and ourselves so that we are productive and creative. Our people grow as they work and create together.

We have learnt from our ancient cultures that talking and deciding together as equals works better than creating superiors and subordinates. We have learnt that we must all take responsibility for our future. We refuse anymore to hand that responsibility over to somebody else. We have learnt better ways of democratically governing ourselves. We pull our politicians out of a hat. They serve their term and then they return to being ordinary citizens. They work for our children, our children’s children, and us. They, like us, work for the good of the whole.

As we congregate and decide together, we celebrate life and are joyful. We are becoming wise as we learn how to create a better world together.

1 comment:

Gerardo Sierra said...
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